Tag Archives: triumph

One Overcomes through the Mind

One can only overcome through the conscious mind and never ever one can overcome through being dead or never ever one can overcome through death or never ever one can overcome through what another had said that he did for one so that one did not have do and neither one had to die because supposedly the other already has overcome death and one only has to die once or die that first time to triumph for other that is no longer nor is able to speak for himself.

To understand and triumph

To understand was to triumph. And to triumph was to understand the things of God. And to understand the things of God was to enter in the things of God that only he with true knowledge or understanding of God can enter into them and see them and enjoy them and truly glorify God as much more than God….

The grandiose gift of being able to struggle

The best gift or the best reward is the grandiose gift or the grand reward of being able to truly struggle, because in truth through struggle is that in truth one receives more gifts or more rewards, such as to overcome and triumph! And because of overcoming, feel the gladness and the joy of he that gave the grand gift or the grand reward of being able to struggle!

But that grand gift or that grand reward is for the knowledge of life so that with life be born and continue struggling with the knowledge that one struggled for before being born and through knowledge be born to struggle for more knowledge. And through that knowledge which one struggles for after being born in life thus the good struggler will be reborn and all struggle or all that was suffered will become as if never was struggled or as if one never suffered because the struggler has become new, as if he never had been born before, for being reborn!

When there is victory

When there is in truth victory thus in truth also there is triumph, even though there is no blood or spoils! Because in truth, with true victory one triumphs in truth because one in truth has renewed and through that very renovation thus everything else also has become in truth as for more! And through more in truth, one will be again reborn with all power and with all authority of also adding or of doing more and everything else that also do more will be added or joined to one for more because one will be complete and for one being complete in truth thus one will always do for more by simply being complete!

Victory and trial

There is no true victory or true triumph in gladness and in joy without trials or without temptations or even without struggles or even without contentions. And there is no true union without two and two united truly are as if three or as if more. And for three or for more is truly the victory or the triumph because the victory or the triumph truly makes one complete, complete because of the peace, because of the gladness, because of the joy and because of the true or real rest which truly is about to arrive because of the abundance.

Now then, in true victory of peace and of true joy and in true abundance is where in truth God dwells and God dwells also as true victor when the victory or the triumph is given to God!


He who in life triumphs and it is triumphed by receiving acknowledgement or rename in life from above, he will be anointed and also he will be given a crown of true peace and of true knowledge! And with that true peace and with that true knowledge, he will give real gladness and real joy to his own life. And through that real gladness and through that real joy, he or the victor will be reborn once again in life, but this time as savior and will be renamed as savoir!

Thus, seek and seek the truth so that the truth will free you as the very truth and because of the very truth, you are free from the obligation that is death!