Tag Archives: to understand

To see

To see, to know or to understand takes one to listen but according to what one sees, knows or understands. And the more one sees, one knows or one understands, thus obviously more one can listen but according to what one sees, knows or understands. Now, to understand was one entering as much more into the grandiose tent that now also has become for much more because of one understanding or because of one entering.

To do to learn to understand

It is not the question whether someone teaches so that the other can learn or understand, but rather it is the question that one as the other must first do to learn to understand.

Now then, only through one truly doing can one truly know. Now then, to come to truly know is to be reborn alive into abundance of life. Thus to come to truly know was to enter back into life but as if new and as if new forever and as if one never ever left the loving and abundant grace of He that was to become one’s Father beloved…